Legal & Regulatory Information
Joseph Thaliyan Solicitors is a trading name of Joseph Thaliyan Solicitors Limited registered in England and Wales under company number 07367090. The registered office of the company is, 4 Station Passage, South Woodford, London E18 1JL.
Joseph Thaliyan Solicitors is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). Use the following link to access the SRA website, https://www.sra.org.uk
We are registered for VAT and our VAT registration number is 223877491.
A list of the Directors is open to inspection at our registered office. We use the word “partner” to refer to a Director of the Limited Company. The Directors of Joseph Thaliyan Solicitors are solicitors qualified to practise in England and Wales. Because the business of the firm was previously carried on through a general partnership, we continue to refer to the Directors of Joseph Thaliyan Solicitors Ltd as partners. There may be members of staff who are not solicitors. Information about any individual’s professional status will be provided on request.
Our Legal Service
The information below about our service is intended for clients and prospective clients of Joseph Thaliyan Solicitors.
The following information will be provided to you in writing at the outset, if we are going to represent you.
Details about the work we will do for you
Details about how we will provide our service
The terms & conditions applicable
Details about our costs and how it is to be paid
If you require any information about our agreement with you or about the service you expect from us, you should contact the person who is responsible for the day-to-day conduct of your work. The responsible person’s name and contact details will be detailed in our client care letter given to you at the outset of the matter.
We will provide a very good service to you, but things may go wrong or may not be satisfactory to you. If you are unhappy or dissatisfied with any aspects of our work or service, we would request you to immediately bring it to the attention of the person handling your matter. Our priority is to put the problem right if we can.
If that is not possible, please contact our designated Complaints Officer, Mr Bestin Joseph.
Email: bestin@jtsolicitors.com
Post: 4 Station Passage, South Woodford, London E18 1JL
Tel: 020 8586 2222
European Commission Online Dispute Resolution
In the event of any issue or dispute regarding any service you bought from us online, you may immediately raise it with the person handling your matter and we will endeavour to resolve it if we can. Alternatively, you may contact our designated Complaints Officer, Mr Bestin Joseph. His contact details are shown above, under the heading complaints.
If we are unable to resolve your issue or dispute, we can provide you information regarding your right to access independent dispute resolution services. The European Commission Online Dispute Resolution (EU ODR) platform may be accessed by following the link, https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main.
Professional Indemnity Insurance
We have a professional indemnity insurance to cover any risk of professional liability of up to £3,000,000.00 arising out of our professional services in the jurisdiction of England & Wales. If you need to contact our insurers, please contact us first.
Telephone Calls
Calls to our offices may be recorded for, training and monitoring purposes. We will use it to check compliance with regulatory requirements, quality of our service, to detect unauthorised use, to establish the existence of facts.
Equality and Diversity Policy
We recognise the challenges faced by people from minority groups or disadvantaged backgrounds and encourage equal opportunity. Our Equality & Diversity policy is available upon request.
Legal Jurisdiction
All issues relating to this website, the content of this website and the content of any publication appearing on this website are governed by English law. Unless Joseph Thaliyan Solicitors Ltd elects otherwise, any dispute relating to such matters shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.