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Permanent Residence For EU Nationals

Since post Brexit, the status of EU Nationals in the UK who has not obtained Permanent Residency status or British citizenship are uncertain to certain extent. They may face several difficulties in future when they travel or enter the UK. The permanent residence status is required to prove that you have the right to remain permanently in the UK and also to apply for British citizenship. Any EU National who has completed a continuous period of 5 years in the UK and has excercised the treaty rights, they may be eligible to apply for permanent residence status. We can assess your eligibility to apply for permanent residency and can assist you to apply for permanent residency. We are specialists in Immigration Law and can provide complete assistance and advice in relation to UK Immigration. 


Any EU National who has lived for less than 5 years in the UK, may apply for Registration Certificate. This document will prove that you have the right to live in the UK.

Any Qualified EU National is eligible to apply for Registration Certificate. Close family members and eligible family members can also apply. 


An eligible EU National who has lived in the UK for 6 years and who has the Permanent Residence card can apply for British citizenship.



We have won several complex cases and have recently won a significant immigration appeal which will help many in relation to their immigration appeals and applications. This is cogent proof and cements our position as leaders, innovators and experts in the field of Immigration Law.


The recent determination by the Upper Tribunal in one of our clients has become a Reported Decision and is now widely used by Tier 2 Migrants who are not receiving the appropriate salary as required in the Codes of Practice published by the UK Border Agency. This case is known as 'Philipson's Case' and has become the foundation for similar cases and may eventualy force the UKBA to change their policy guidance relating to work permit holders minimum salary requirement to qualify for ILR.


Our Services in Immigration Law, Nationality & Human Right Law mainly consist of the following:


  • All type of applications and representations to the UK Border Agency

  • Postal & Same Day Visa Service

  • Litigation in Immigration Tribunals and Higher Courts

  • Tier 1 – applications & extensions

  • Tier 2 – General, Ministers of Religion, Sports Persons & Intra-Company Transfers

  • Domestic Workers, Sole Representatives of Overseas Firms, Representatives of Overseas Newspapers & Broadcasting Organisations

  • Tier 4 – Applications for students at all levels – Student Visitors, Adult & Child Student Visas

  • Tier 5 visas

  • Injunctions – We can assist people who are in the UK illegally and who face administrative removal or deportation

  • Medical applications and other exceptional applications outside the Immigration Rules requiring the exercise of Home Office Discretionary Powers.

  • Asylum & Human Rights matters

  • Marriage Applications, applications under the Civil Partnership Act

  • Applications for family members and dependants

  • Visitors- Business & Family visitors

  • UK Ancestry

  • Long Residence applications

  • British Nationality


We may also take cases which are of a complex and exceptional nature. Please contact us to obtain further information.


We are based in London and would welcome instructions from Businesses and Individuals irrespective of their location. We can provide our services even if you are on the other side of the globe.



Our Reported Cases (Precedents):


We are proud to say we have obtained the following significant landmark cases which has made far reaching effects in Immigration Law.


Ø      [2012] UKUT 00039 – Philipson Vs SSHD: This case relates to the ILR application which was refused by the UKBA stating that the applicant was not receiving the appropriate salary as stated on the Occupation Code of Practice published by them. The Upper Tribunal has made several observations which will help many appellants and may also lead to fundamental changes to the UKBA’s policy relating to the minimum salary requirement for work permit holders.


Ø      [2010] UKUT 167 – US Vs SSHD: This case relates to an immigration appeal where the UKBA refused the immigration application of the whole family due to the presence in the same envelope of an invalid application by a member of the same family. The appeal was allowed by the Upper Tribunal and may have had a significant influence on the UKBA to amend their policy relating to PBS applications. This decision will help many others.



4 Station Passage, South Woodford, London E18 1JL

Tel: 020 8586 2222

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Travel directions below the map.

Travelling by Tube: The nearest Tube Station is South Woodford. If travelling by Tube, take Tubes going towards Epping. If you are coming from London / Stratford side, take Tubes going towards Epping and get down at South Woodford. You should cross to the opposite side platform and exit the Station. When you exit you will see Railway Bell Pub and Station Passage is behind this pub. We are 2 minutes walk from South Woodford Tube Station. 


Nearest Car Park: If using satelite navigation, use post code E18 1EB, Mulberry Way, South Woodford. If this car park is full there is a car park at the beginning of Primrose Road. 

​​​​© 2020 by Joseph Thaliyan Solicitors Ltd. Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. SRA Registration No: 550936.

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